There are 4 main screens: FRIEND  <<>>  PLAN  <<>>  TELL  <<>>  SUBSCRIBE
Select the left white triangle or the right white triangle to switch screens.


You can add your location on the map by a long press. After confirmation the location is made visible to all other app users. Note that you do not need to enter your exact location: it is wise to choose some approximate location.
Trainers on the map are shown by the PokePeek icon with a black triangle. Select a trainer for showing the name. Then, select the Gift button at the bottom right for inviting this trainer to become friends. Your trainer code is then sent to that trainer who can use it in the Pokémon Go app to set up a friendship. Note that you do not need to be visible on the map yourself for sending invitations!
If your location is visible on the map other trainers might invite you for becoming friends. You will then be notified by a push message (if enabled) and a toast message at the bottom of the screen. Also, the locations of inviting trainers will be visible on the map and indicated by the PokePeek icon with a green triangle.
Select the Invite button at the bottom left for cycling through the inviting trainers. If you select an inviting trainer, then you will see the name. If you quickly select twice, then you see a message with the trainer code. You can then use it for honouring the friendship invitation. Also, you can delete the invitation. Note that the trainer code is copied to the clipboard for easily entering it in the Pokémon Go app.


Plan a lure: select an existing PokéStop or point to a new location, then select the blue PokéStop button at the bottom left, and fill in the dialog. Please, fill in the name of a new PokéStop.
Plan a battle: select an existing Gym or point to a new location, then select the green battle button at the bottom center, and fill in the dialog. Please, fill in the name of a new Gym.
Announce a planned raid: select an existing Gym or point to a new location, then select the red gym button at the bottom right, and fill in the dialog. Please, fill in the name of a new Gym.


Tell a new PokéStop: point to a new location, then select the blue PokéStop button at the bottom left, and fill in the dialog.
Tell a lure: select an existing PokéStop or point to a new location, then select the blue PokéStop button at the bottom left, and fill in the dialog.
Tell a battle: select an existing Gym or point to a new location, then select the green battle button at the bottom center, and fill in the dialog.
Tell a gym: select an existing Gym or point to a new location, then select the red gym button at the bottom right, and fill in the dialog.


For a new subscription zoom in/out and pan to the interesting area. Select the + button at the bottom right for subscribing to fellow actions in the area filling the screen, and fill in the dialog. You will get then push messages from fellow actions in the area displayed.
Select the blue/green/red/yellow marker in the middle of a subscribed area for cancelling that subscription.


In the Settings screen you can change your nickname. This name is preferrably but not necessarily equal to your Pokémon trainer name. You can also change here the trainer code. And, you can easily toggle between being visible on the map or not.
Furthermore, you are able to switch teams.
Finally, you can delete your account for this app. This means that your invites and subscribes are deleted from the server. Also your user entry is then deleted from the server. The registration screen will appear for using the app once again.